Source code for

# pylint: disable=W0102,W0212

import os
import sys
import copy
import tarfile

import pickle as pickle

import more_itertools as mit
import radical.utils  as ru

from .entity import Entity

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Session(object): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def __init__(self, src, stype, sid=None, _entities=None, _init=True): ''' Create a session for analysis. The session is created from a set of traces, which usually have been produced by a Session object in the RCT stack, such as radical.pilot or radical.entk. Profiles are accepted in two forms: in a directory, or in a tarball (of such a directory). In the latter case, the tarball are extracted into `$TMP`, and then handled just as the directory case. If no `sid` (session ID) is specified, that ID is derived from the directory name. ''' if _init: # if no sid is given, derive it from the src path sid, src, tgt, ext = self._get_sid(sid, src) else: assert sid assert src tgt = None self._sid = sid self._src = src self._stype = stype if tgt and not os.path.exists(tgt): # need to extract print(('extract tarball to %s' % tgt)) try: if ext in ['tbz', '', 'tbz2', 'tar.bz2']: tf =, mode='r:bz2') tf.extractall(path=os.path.dirname(tgt)) elif ext in ['tgz, tar.gz']: tf =, mode='r:gz') tf.extractall(path=os.path.dirname(tgt)) else: raise ValueError('cannot handle extension %s' % ext) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot extract tarball: %s' % repr(e)) from e if tgt: self._src = tgt # print 'sid: %s [%s]' % (sid, stype) # print 'src: %s' % src if stype == 'radical': # src is expected to point either to a single profile, or to # a directory tree containing profiles if not src: raise ValueError('RA session types need `src` specified') profiles = list() if os.path.isfile(src): profiles.append(src) else: def _walkdir(path, profiles=[]): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for f in files: if f.endswith('.prof'): profiles.append('%s/%s' % (root, f)) for d in dirs: _walkdir('%s/%s' % (path, d), profiles) return profiles profiles = _walkdir(src) profiles = ru.read_profiles(profiles, sid=sid) self._profile, accuracy = ru.combine_profiles(profiles) self._description = {'tree' : dict(), 'entities' : list(), 'hostmap' : dict(), 'accuracy' : 0.0} elif stype == 'radical.pilot': try: import radical.pilot.utils as rpu except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(' requires the ' 'radical.pilot module to analyze this ' 'session - please install it.') from e self._profile, accuracy, hostmap = \ rpu.get_session_profile(sid=sid, src=self._src) self._description = \ rpu.get_session_description(sid=sid, src=self._src) self._description['accuracy'] = accuracy self._description['hostmap'] = hostmap elif stype == 'radical.entk': try: import radical.entk.utils as reu except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(' requires the ' 'radical.entk module to analyze this ' 'session - please install it.') from e self._profile, accuracy, hostmap \ = reu.get_session_profile (sid=sid, src=self._src) self._description = reu.get_session_description(sid=sid, src=self._src) self._description['accuracy'] = accuracy self._description['hostmap'] = hostmap else: raise ValueError('unsupported session type [%s]' % stype) self._t_start = None self._t_stop = None self._ttc = None self._log = ru.Logger('') self._rep = ru.Reporter('') # user defined time offset self._tzero = 0.0 # internal state is represented by a dict of entities: # dict keys are entity uids (which are assumed to be unique per # session), dict values are ra.Entity instances. self._entities = dict() if _init: self._initialize_entities(self._profile) # we do some bookkeeping in self._properties where we keep a list of # property values around which we encountered in self._entities. self._properties = dict() if _init: self._initialize_properties()
# print('session loaded') # FIXME: we should do a sanity check that all encountered states and # events are part of the respective state and event models # self.consistency() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @staticmethod def _get_sid(sid, src): tgt = None ext = None if not os.path.exists(src): raise ValueError('src [%s] does not exist' % src) if os.path.isdir(src): pass elif os.path.isfile(src): # src is a file - we assume its a tarball and extract it if src.endswith('.prof'): # use as is tgt = src elif src.endswith('.tgz') or \ src.endswith('.tbz') : tgt = src[:-4] ext = src[-3:] elif src.endswith('.tbz2'): tgt = src[:-5] ext = src[-4:] elif src.endswith('.tar.gz') or \ src.endswith('') : tgt = src[:-7] ext = src[-6:] elif src.endswith('.tar.bz2'): tgt = src[:-8] ext = src[-7:] elif src.endswith('.prof'): tgt = None ext = None else: raise ValueError('src does not look like a tarball or profile') if not sid: if tgt: to_check = tgt else : to_check = src if to_check.endswith('/'): to_check = src[:-1] sid = os.path.basename(to_check) return sid, src, tgt, ext # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __getstate__(self): state = { 'sid' : self._sid, 'src' : self._src, 'stype' : self._stype, 'profile' : self._profile, 'description' : self._description, 't_start' : self._t_start, 't_stop' : self._t_stop, 'ttc' : self._ttc, 'entities' : self._entities, 'properties' : self._properties, } return state # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __setstate__(self, state): self._sid = state['sid'] self._src = state['src'] self._stype = state['stype'] self._profile = state['profile'] self._description = state['description'] self._t_start = state['t_start'] self._t_stop = state['t_stop'] self._ttc = state['ttc'] self._entities = state['entities'] self._properties = state['properties'] self._log = ru.Logger('') self._rep = ru.Reporter('') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @staticmethod def create(src, stype, sid=None, _entities=None, _init=True, cache=True): sid, src, _, _ = Session._get_sid(sid, src) base = ru.get_radical_base('') cache = '%s/%s.pickle' % (base, sid) if _entities or not cache: # no caching session = Session(src, stype, sid, _entities, _init) try: with open(cache, 'rb') as fin: data = session = pickle.loads(data) print(('using cache for %s' % sid)) # import pprint # j = ru.read_json("%s/%s.json" % (src, sid)) # rd = j['pilot'][0]['resource_details'] # session.get(etype='pilot')[0].cfg['resource_details'] = rd # pprint.pprint(session.get(etype='pilot')[0].cfg) # with open(cache, 'wb') as fout: # # session = Session(src, stype, sid, _entities, _init) # fout.write(pickle.dumps(session, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)) except Exception: print(('no cache for %s' % sid)) with open(cache, 'wb') as fout: session = Session(src, stype, sid, _entities, _init) fout.write(pickle.dumps(session, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)) return session # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __deepcopy___(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ ret = cls(sid=self._sid, src=None, stype=self._stype, _init=False) memo[id(self)] = ret for k, v in list(self.__dict__.items()): setattr(ret, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _reinit(self, entities): ''' After creating a session clone, we have identical sets of descriptions, profiles, and entities. However, if we apply a filter during the clone creation, we end up with a deep copy which should have a **different** set of entities. This method applies that new entity set to such a cloned session. ''' self._entities = entities # FIXME: we may want to filter the session description etc. wrt. to the # entity types remaining after a filter. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def t_start(self): return self._t_start @property def t_stop(self): return self._t_stop @property def ttc(self): return self._ttc @property def t_range(self): return [self._t_start, self._t_stop] @property def uid(self): return self._sid @property def stype(self): return self._stype # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _initialize_entities(self, profile): ''' Populates self._entities from profile and self._description. NOTE: We derive entity types via some heuristics for now: we assume the first part of any dot-separated uid to signify an entity type. ''' # create entities from the profile events: entity_events = dict() for event in profile: if event[ru.TIME] < -1: # allow fow 1sec rounding error raise ValueError('invalid time stamp: %s' % event) uid = event[ru.UID] if uid not in entity_events: entity_events[uid] = list() entity_events[uid].append(event) # for all uids found, create and store an entity. We look up the # entity type in one of the events (and assume it is consistent over # all events for that uid) for uid,events in list(entity_events.items()): details = self._description.get('tree', dict()).get(uid, dict()) # hostid should be handled on RP level hostid = self._description.get('hostmap', dict()).get(uid) if hostid: details['hostid'] = hostid self._entities[uid] = Entity(_uid=uid, _profile=events, _details=details) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _initialize_properties(self): ''' populate `self._properties` from `self._entities`. `self._properties`∫ has the following format:: { 'state' : { 'NEW' : 10, 'RUNNING' : 8, 'DONE : 7, 'FAILED' : 1, 'CANCELED' : 2 } } We count how often any property value appears in the current set of entities. RA knows exactly 4 properties: - uid (entity identifiers) - etype (type of entities) - event (names of events) - state (state identifiers) ''' # FIXME: initializing properties can be expensive, and we might not # always need them anyway. So we can lazily defer this # initialization stop until the first query which requires them. # we do *not* look at profile and descriptions anymore, those are only # evaluated once on construction, in `_initialize_entities()`. Now we # don't parse all that stuff again, but only re-initialize after # in-place filtering etc. self._properties = {'uid' : dict(), 'etype' : dict(), 'event' : dict(), 'state' : dict()} if self._entities: self._t_start = sys.float_info.max self._t_stop = sys.float_info.min for euid,e in list(self._entities.items()): self._t_start = min(self._t_start, e.t_start) self._t_stop = max(self._t_stop, e.t_stop ) if euid in self._properties['uid']: raise RuntimeError('duplicated uid %s' % euid) self._properties['uid'][euid] = 1 if e.etype not in self._properties['etype']: self._properties['etype'][e.etype] = 0 self._properties['etype'][e.etype] += 1 for state in e.states: if state not in self._properties['state']: self._properties['state'][state] = 0 self._properties['state'][state] += 1 for event in name = event[ru.EVENT] if name not in self._properties['event']: self._properties['event'][name] = 0 self._properties['event'][name] += 1 if self._entities: self._ttc = self._t_stop - self._t_start # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _apply_filter(self, etype=None, uid=None, state=None, event=None, time=None): # iterate through all self._entities and collect UIDs of all entities # which match the given set of filters (after removing all events which # are not in the given time ranges) etype = ru.as_list(etype) uid = ru.as_list(uid ) state = ru.as_list(state) event = ru.as_list(event) time = ru.as_list(time ) ret = list() for eid,entity in list(self._entities.items()): if etype and entity.etype not in etype: continue if uid and entity.uid not in uid : continue if state: match = False for s,stuple in list(entity.states.items()): if time and not ru.in_range(stuple[ru.TIME], time): continue if s in state: match = True break if not match: continue if event: match = False for etuple in if time and not ru.in_range(etuple[ru.TIME], time): continue if etuple[ru.EVENT] in event: match = True break if not match: continue # all existing filters have been passed - this is a match! ret.append(eid) return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _dump(self): for uid,entity in list(self._entities.items()): print(('\n\n === %s' % uid)) entity.dump() for event in print((' = %s' % event)) for e in[event]: print((' %s' % e)) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def list(self, pname=None): if not pname: # return the name of all known properties return list(self._properties.keys()) if isinstance(pname, list): return_list = True pnames = pname else: return_list = False pnames = [pname] ret = list() for _pname in pnames: if _pname not in self._properties: raise KeyError('no such property known (%s) / %s' % (_pname, list(self._properties.keys()))) ret.append(list(self._properties[_pname].keys())) if return_list: return ret else : return ret[0] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def get(self, etype=None, uid=None, state=None, event=None, time=None): uids = self._apply_filter(etype=etype, uid=uid, state=state, event=event, time=time) return [self._entities[_uid] for _uid in uids] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def filter(self, etype=None, uid=None, state=None, event=None, time=None, inplace=True): uids = self._apply_filter(etype=etype, uid=uid, state=state, event=event, time=time) if inplace: # filter our own entity list, and refresh the entity based on # the new list if uids != list(self._entities.keys()): self._entities = {uid:self._entities[uid] for uid in uids} self._initialize_properties() return self else: # create a new session with the resulting entity list ret = Session(sid=self._sid, stype=self._stype, src=self._src, _init=False) ret._reinit(entities={uid:self._entities[uid] for uid in uids}) ret._initialize_properties() return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def describe(self, mode=None, etype=None): if mode not in [None, 'state_model', 'state_values', 'event_model', 'relations', 'statistics']: raise ValueError('describe parameter "mode" invalid') if not etype and not mode: # no entity filter applied: return the full description return self._description if mode == 'statistics': return self._properties if not etype: etype = self.list('etype') if not isinstance(etype,list): etype = [etype] ret = dict() for et in etype: state_model = None state_values = None event_model = None if et in self._description.get('entities', dict()): state_model = self._description['entities'][et]['state_model'] state_values = self._description['entities'][et]['state_values'] event_model = self._description['entities'][et]['event_model'] if not state_model : state_model = dict() if not state_values : state_values = dict() if not event_model : event_model = dict() if not mode: ret[et] = {'state_model' : state_model, 'state_values' : state_values, 'event_model' : event_model} elif mode == 'state_model': ret[et] = {'state_model' : state_model} elif mode == 'state_values': ret[et] = {'state_values' : state_values} elif mode == 'event_model': ret[et] = {'event_model' : event_model} if not mode or mode == 'relations': if len(etype) != 2: raise ValueError('relations expect an etype *tuple*') # we interpret the query as follows: for the two given etypes, walk # through the relationship tree and for all entities of etype[0] # return a list of all child entities of etype[1]. The result is # returned as a dict. parent_uids = self._apply_filter(etype=etype[0]) child_uids = self._apply_filter(etype=etype[1]) rel = self._description.get('tree', dict()) for p in parent_uids: ret[p] = list() if p not in rel: print(('inconsistent : no relations for %s' % p)) continue for c in rel[p]['children']: if c in child_uids: ret[p].append(c) return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def ranges(self, state=None, event=None, time=None, collapse=True): ''' Gets a set of initial and final conditions, and computes time ranges in accordance to those conditions from all session entities. The resulting set of ranges is then collapsed to the minimal equivalent set of ranges covering the same set of times. Please refer to the :class:`Entity.ranges` documentation on detail on the constrain parameters. Setting 'collapse' to 'True' (default) will prompt the method to collapse the resulting set of ranges. ''' ranges = list() for uid,entity in list(self._entities.items()): try: ranges += entity.ranges(state, event, time, collapse=False) except ValueError: print(('no ranges for %s' % uid)) # ignore entities for which the conditions did not apply # pass if not ranges: return [] if collapse: ret = ru.collapse_ranges(ranges) else: ret = ranges # sort ranges by start time and return return sorted(ret, key=lambda r: r[1])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def timestamps(self, state=None, event=None, time=None, first=False): ''' This method accepts a set of conditions, and returns the list of timestamps for which those conditions applied, i.e., for which state transitions or events are known which match the given 'state' or 'event' parameter. If no match is found, an empty list is returned. Both `state` and `event` can be lists, in which case the union of all timestamps are returned. The `time` parameter is expected to be a single tuple, or a list of tuples, each defining a pair of start and end time which are used to constrain the matching timestamps. If `first` is set to `True`, only the timestamps for the first matching events (per entity) are returned. The returned list will be sorted. ''' ret = list() for _,entity in list(self._entities.items()): tmp = entity.timestamps(state=state, event=event, time=time) if tmp and first: ret.append(tmp[0]) else: ret += tmp return sorted(ret)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def duration(self, state=None, event=None, time=None, ranges=None): ''' This method accepts the same set of parameters as the `ranges()` method, and will use the `ranges()` method to obtain a set of ranges. It will return the sum of the durations for all resulting & collapsed ranges. Example:: session.duration(state=[rp.NEW, rp.FINAL])) where `rp.FINAL` is a list of final task states. ''' if not ranges: ranges = self.ranges(state, event, time) else: assert not state assert not event assert not time # make sure the ranges are collapsed (although they likely are # already...) ranges = ru.collapse_ranges(ranges) return sum(r[1] - r[0] for r in ranges)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def concurrency(self, state=None, event=None, time=None, sampling=None): ''' This method accepts the same set of parameters as the `ranges()` method, and will use the `ranges()` method to obtain a set of ranges. It will return a time series, counting the number of tasks which are concurrently matching the ranges filter at any point in time. The additional parameter `sampling` determines the exact points in time for which the concurrency is computed, and thus determines the sampling rate for the returned time series. If not specified, the time series will contain all points at which the concurrency changed. If specified, it is interpreted as second (float) interval at which, after the starting point (begin of first event matching the filters) the concurrency is computed. Returned is an ordered list of tuples:: [ [time_0, concurrency_0], [time_1, concurrency_1], ... [time_n, concurrency_n] ] where `time_n` is represented as `float`, and `concurrency_n` as `int`. Example:: session.filter(etype='task').concurrency(state=[rp.AGENT_EXECUTING, rp.AGENT_STAGING_OUTPUT_PENDING]) ''' INC = 1 # increase concurrency DEC = -1 # decrease concurrency ranges = list() for _,e in list(self._entities.items()): ranges += e.ranges(state, event, time) if not ranges: return [] times = list() # get all start and end times for all ranges. The start of a range will # increase concurrency by one at that time stamp, and the end will # decrease it by one again. for r in ranges: times.append([r[0], INC]) times.append([r[1], DEC]) # sort those times times.sort() # get the overall concurrency data conc = 0 data = list() # [[time, concurrency], ...] for time, val in times: conc += val data.append([time, conc]) # collapse time stamps (use last value on same time stamps) collapsed = list() last = data[0] for time, val in data[1:]: if time != last[0]: collapsed.append(last) last = [time, val] # append last time collapsed.append(last) # make sure we start at zero (at time of first event) collapsed.insert(0, [collapsed[0][0], 0]) if not sampling: # return as is ret = collapsed else: # select data points according to sampling # get min time, and create timestamps at regular intervals t = times[0][0] ret = list() for time, val in collapsed: while time >= t: ret.append([t, val]) t += sampling # append last time stamp if it is not appended, yet if ret[-1] != [t, val]: ret.append([t, val]) return ret
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def rate(self, state=None, event=None, time=None, sampling=None, first=False): ''' This method accepts the same parameters as the `timestamps()` method: it will count all matching events and state transitions as given, and will return a time series of the rate of how many of those events and/or transitions occurred per second. The additional parameter `sampling` determines the exact points in time for which the rate is computed, and thus determines the sampling rate for the returned time series. If not specified, the time series will contain all points at which and event occurred, and the rate value will only be determined by the time passed between two consecutive events. If specified, it is interpreted as second (float) interval at which, after the starting point (begin of first event matching the filters) the rate is computed. Returned is an ordered list of tuples:: [ [time_0, rate_0] , [time_1, rate_1] , ... [time_n, rate_n] ] where `time_n` is represented as `float`, and `rate_n` as `int`. The `time` parameter is expected to be a single tuple, or a list of tuples, each defining a pair of start and end time which are used to constrain the resulting time series. The 'first' is defined, only the first matching event fir the selected entities is considered viable. Example:: session.filter(etype='task').rate(state=[rp.AGENT_EXECUTING]) ''' timestamps = self.timestamps(event=event, state=state, time=time, first=first) if not timestamps: # nothing to do return [] times = list() if sampling: # get min and max timestamp, and create sampling points at # regular intervals r_min = timestamps[0] r_max = timestamps[-1] t = r_min while t < r_max: times.append(t) t += sampling times.append(r_max) else: # we create an entry at all timestamps times = timestamps[:] if not times: # nothing to do return [] # we need to make sure that no two consecutive timestamps are the same, # as that would lead to a division by zero later on times = sorted(set(times)) # import pprint # pprint.pprint(times) # make sure we start in correct state, and first data point does not # occur before sampling starts assert timestamps[0] >= times[0] # we have the time sequence, now compute event rate at those points ts_idx = 0 # index into the list of timestamps ts_len = len(timestamps) # number of timestamps ret = list() # our rate time series t_start = times[0] # current samplint window t_stop = times[0] for t in times[1:]: t_start = t_stop # slide sampling window to next sample time t_stop = t cnt = 0 # reset event counter while ts_idx < ts_len: if timestamps[ts_idx] <= t_stop: # timestamp is in range, count event cnt += 1 else: # we need to slide the sampling window break # go to next timestamp ts_idx += 1 # print 'window: %f - %f (%f) : %5d' % \ # (t_start, t_stop, t_stop - t_start, cnt) # sampling window completed - store rate of events in sample ret.append([t_stop, cnt / (t_stop - t_start)]) return ret
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def utilization(self, metrics, rtype='cpu', udurations=None): if self._stype != 'radical.pilot': raise ValueError('session utilization is only available on ' 'radical.pilot sessions') import radical.pilot as rp provided = rp.utils.get_provided_resources(self, rtype) consumed = rp.utils.get_consumed_resources(self, rtype, udurations) stats_abs = {'total': 0.0} stats_rel = {'total': 100.0} total = 0.0 for pid in provided['total']: for box in provided['total'][pid]: stats_abs['total'] += (box[1] - box[0]) * \ (box[3] - box[2] + 1) total = stats_abs['total'] for metric in metrics: if isinstance(metric, list): name = metric[0] parts = metric[1] else: name = metric parts = [metric] if name not in stats_abs: stats_abs[name] = 0.0 for part in parts: for uid in consumed[part]: for box in consumed[part][uid]: stats_abs[name] += (box[1] - box[0]) * \ (box[3] - box[2] + 1) info = '' info += '%s [%d]\n' % (self.uid, len(self.get(etype='task'))) for metric in metrics + ['total']: if isinstance(metric, list): name = metric[0] parts = metric[1] else: name = metric parts = '' val = stats_abs[name] if val == 0.0: glyph = '!' else : glyph = '' rel = 100.0 * val / total stats_rel[name] = rel info += ' %-20s: %14.3f %8.3f%% %2s %s\n' \ % (name, val, rel, glyph, parts) have = 0.0 over = 0.0 work = 0.0 for metric in sorted(stats_abs.keys()): if metric == 'total': have += stats_abs[metric] else: if metric == 'Execution Cmd': work += stats_abs[metric] else: over += stats_abs[metric] miss = have - over - work rel_over = 100.0 * over / total rel_work = 100.0 * work / total rel_miss = 100.0 * miss / total stats_abs['Other'] = miss stats_rel['Other'] = rel_miss info += '\n' info += ' %-20s: %14.3f %8.3f%%\n' % ('total', have, 100.0) info += ' %-20s: %14.3f %8.3f%%\n' % ('over', over, rel_over) info += ' %-20s: %14.3f %8.3f%%\n' % ('work', work, rel_work) info += ' %-20s: %14.3f %8.3f%%\n' % ('miss', miss, rel_miss) return provided, consumed, stats_abs, stats_rel, info # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # def utilization_bak(self, owner, consumer, resource, owner_events=None, # consumer_events=None): # ''' # Parms: # owner : The entity name of the owner of the resources # consumer : The ename of the entity that consumes the resources # owned by owner # resource : The type of resources whose utilization is requested, # eg. Cores, Memory, GPUS etc. # owner_events : A list of owner's/owners' events that will be used as # starting and ending points for the resource ownership. # consumer_events: A list of owner's/owners' events that will be used as # starting and ending points for resource consumption. # Based on these parameters the resources of the owners are collected, as # well as, the times when the consumer(s) used those resources. # Returned is a dictionary of the form:: # { 'owner_0': {'range' : owner_range, # 'resources' : resource_size, # 'utilization': [[time_0, resource_utilization_0], # [time_1, resource_utilization_1], # ... # [time_n, resource_utilization_n]]}, # 'owner_1': {'range' : owner_range, # 'resources' : resource_size, # 'utilization': [[time_0, resource_utilization_0], # [time_1, resource_utilization_1], # ... # [time_n, resource_utilization_n]]}, # ... # 'owner_n': {'range' : owner_range, # 'resources' : resource_size, # 'utilization': [[time_0, resource_utilization_0], # [time_1, resource_utilization_1], # ... # [time_n, resource_utilization_n]]} # where `time_n` is represented as `float`, `resource_utilization_n` as # `int`, and resource_size is the total resources the owner has. # Example:: # s.utilization(owner = 'pilot', # consumer = 'task', # resource = 'cores', # owner_events = [{ru.EVENT: 'bootstrap_0_start'}, # {ru.EVENT: 'bootstrap_0_stop' }]) # consumer_events= [{ru.EVENT: 'exec_start'}, # {ru.EVENT: 'exec_stop' }]) # ''' # ret = dict() # # Filter the session to get a session of the owners. If that is empty # # return an empty dict # relations = self .describe('relations', [owner, consumer]) # if not relations: # return dict() # owners = self.filter(etype=owner, inplace=False) # if not owners: # return dict() # # Filter the self to get the consumers. If none are found, return an # # empty dict. # # # # FIXME: this should return an dict with zero utilization over the full # # time range the resource exist. # # # for o in owners.get(): # owner_id = o.uid # owner_resources = o.description.get(resource) # owner_range = o.ranges(event=owner_events) # consumers = self.filter(etype=consumer, uid=relations[owner_id], # inplace=False) # if not consumers: # util = [0] # else: # # Go through the consumer entities and create two dictionaries. # # The first keeps track of how many resources each consumer # # consumes, and the second has the ranges based on the events. # consumer_resources = dict() # consumer_ranges = dict() # for c in consumers.get(): # ranges = c.ranges(event=consumer_events) # cons_id = c.uid # resources_acquired = 0 # if resource == 'cores': # cores = c.description['cpu_processes'] * \ # c.description['cpu_threads'] # resources_acquired += cores # elif resource == 'gpus': # gpus = c.description['gpu_processes'] # resources_acquired += len(gpus) # else: # raise ValueError('unsupported utilization resource') # consumer_resources[cons_id] = resources_acquired # # Update consumer_ranges if there is at least one range # if ranges: # consumer_ranges.update({cons_id: ranges}) # # Sort consumer_ranges based on their values. This command # # returns a dictionary, which is sorted based on the first value # # of each entry. In the end the key, are out of order but the # # values are. # consumer_ranges = sorted(iter(list(consumer_ranges.items())), # key=lambda k_v: (k_v[1][0],k_v[0])) # # Create a timeseries that contains all moments in consumer # # ranges and sort. This way we have a list that has time any # # change has happened. # times = list() # for cons_id,ranges in consumer_ranges: # for r in ranges: # times.append(r[0]) # times.append(r[1]) # times.sort() # # we have the time sequence, now compute utilization # # at those points # util = list() # for t in times: # cnt = 0 # for cons_id,ranges in consumer_ranges: # for r in ranges: # if t >= r[0] and t <= r[1]: # cnt += consumer_resources[cons_id] # util.append([t, cnt]) # ret[owner_id] = {'range' : owner_range, # 'resources' : owner_resources, # 'utilization': util} # return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def consistency(self, mode=None): ''' Performs a number of data consistency checks, and returns a set of UIDs for entities which have been found to be inconsistent. The method accepts a single parameter `mode` which can be a list of strings defining what consistency checks are to be performed. Valid strings are: - state_model: check if all entity states are in adherence to the respective entity state model - event_model: check if all entity events are in adherence to the respective entity event model - timestamps: check if events and states are recorded with correct ordering in time. If not specified, the method will execute all three checks. After this method has been run, each checked entity will have more detailed consistency information available via:: entity.consistency['state_model'] (bool) entity.consistency['event_model'] (bool) entity.consistency['timestamps' ] (bool) entity.consistency['log' ] (list of strings) The boolean values each indicate consistency of the respective test, the `log` will contain human readable information about specific consistency violations. ''' # FIXME: we could move the method to the entity, so that we can check # consistency for each entity individually. self._rep.header('running consistency checks') ret = list() MODES = ['state_model', 'event_model', 'timestamps'] if not mode: mode = MODES if not isinstance(mode, list): mode = [mode] for m in mode: if m not in MODES: raise ValueError('unknown consistency mode %s' % m) if 'state_model' in mode: ret.extend(self._consistency_state_model()) return list(set(ret)) # make list unique
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def usage(self, alloc_entity, alloc_events, block_entity, block_events, use_entity, use_events): ''' This method creates a dict with three entries: `alloc`, `block`, `use`. Those three dict entries in turn have a a dict of entity IDs for all entities which have blocks in the respective category, and foreach of those entity IDs the dict values will be a list of rectangles. A resource is considered: - `alloc` (allocated) when it is owned by the RCT application; - `block` (blocked) when it is reserveed for a specific task; - `use` (used) when it is utilized by that task. Each of the rectangles represents a continuous block of resources which is alloced/blocked/used: - x_0 time when `alloc/block/usage` begins; - x_1 time when `alloc/block/usage` ends; - y_0 lowest index of a continuous block of resource IDs; - y_1 highest index of a continuous block of resource IDs. Any specific entity (pilot, task) can have a **set** of such resource blocks, for example, a task might be placed over multiple, non-consecutive nodes: - gpu and cpu resources are rendered as separate blocks (rectangles). Args: alloc_entity (Entity): :class:`Entity` instance which allocates resources alloc_events (list): event tuples which specify allocation time block_entity (Entity): :class:`Entity` instance which blocks resources block_events (list): event tuples which specify blocking time use_entity (Entity): :class:`Entity` instance which uses resources use_events (list): event tuples which specify usage time Example:: usage('pilot', [{ru.STATE: None, ru.EVENT: 'bootstrap_0_start'}, {ru.STATE: None, ru.EVENT: 'bootstrap_0_stop' }], 'task' , [{ru.STATE: None, ru.EVENT: 'schedule_ok' }, {ru.STATE: None, ru.EVENT: 'unschedule_stop' }], 'task' , [{ru.STATE: None, ru.EVENT: 'exec_start' }, {ru.STATE: None, ru.EVENT: 'exec_stop' }]) ''' # this is currently only supported for RP sessions, as we only know for # pilots and tasks how to dig resource information out of session and # entity metadata. assert self.stype == 'radical.pilot', \ 'stype %s unsupported' % self._stype # for RP sessions, create resource indices which can be used to # determine the y-axis values for the rectangles. This is basically # a dict of node_names for each alloc_entity which points to two indexes # for each node: one starting index for GPUs, and one for CPU cores res_idx = dict() idx = 0 for ae in self.get(etype=alloc_entity): uid = ae.uid nodes = ae.cfg['resource_details']['rm_info']['node_list'] cpn = ae.cfg['resource_details']['rm_info']['cores_per_node'] gpn = ae.cfg['resource_details']['rm_info']['gpus_per_node'] if ae.uid not in res_idx: res_idx[ae.uid] = dict() res_idx[ae.uid]['_min'] = idx for n in nodes: res_idx[ae.uid][n[1]] = [[idx , idx + cpn - 1], [idx + cpn, idx + cpn + gpn - 1]] idx += cpn idx += gpn res_idx[ae.uid]['_max'] = idx - 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # RP specific helper method to convert given entity information into # a set of y-value ranges. This returns a tuple of lists where each # list contains tuples of resource indexes (y-values) def get_res_idx(entity): if entity.etype == 'pilot': # print '----' # print entity.uid # import pprint # pprint.pprint(res_idx[entity.uid]) # we assume min/max to cover CPU and GPU return [[[res_idx[entity.uid]['_min'], res_idx[entity.uid]['_max']]], []] elif entity.etype == 'task': # find owning pilot pid = entity.cfg.get('pilot') if not pid: # no resources used return [[],[]] cpu_idx = list() gpu_idx = list() for slot in entity.cfg['slots']['nodes']: node_id = slot['uid'] for cslot in slot['core_map']: for c in cslot: cpu_idx.append(res_idx[pid][node_id][0][0] + c) for gslot in slot['gpu_map']: for g in gslot: gpu_idx.append(res_idx[pid][node_id][1][0] + g) # identify continuous groups of y-values and return return [ [list(g) for g in mit.consecutive_groups(cpu_idx)], [list(g) for g in mit.consecutive_groups(gpu_idx)] ] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ret = {'alloc': dict(), 'block': dict(), 'use' : dict()} etypes = {'alloc': {'etype' : alloc_entity, 'events': alloc_events}, 'block': {'etype' : block_entity, 'events': block_events}, 'use' : {'etype' : use_entity, 'events': use_events}} for entity in self.get(): for mode in ['alloc', 'block', 'use']: if etypes[mode]['etype'] == entity.etype: event_list = etypes[mode]['events'] if not event_list: continue if not isinstance(event_list[0], list): event_list = [event_list] uid = entity.uid if uid not in ret[mode]: ret[mode][uid] = list() for events in event_list: assert len(events) == 2 y_values = get_res_idx(entity) t_values = entity.ranges(event=events) # print # print uid # print events # # import pprint # pprint.pprint(t_values) # pprint.pprint(y_values) for t_range in t_values: for y_range in y_values[0]: ret[mode][uid].append([t_range[0], t_range[-1], y_range[0], y_range[-1]]) for y_range in y_values[1]: ret[mode][uid].append([t_range[0], t_range[-1], y_range[0], y_range[-1]]) return ret
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _consistency_state_model(self): ret = list() # list of inconsistent entity IDs for et in self.list('etype'):'%s state model\n' % et) # sm = self.describe('state_model', etype=et) sv = self.describe('state_values', etype=et)[et]['state_values'] for e in self.get(etype=et): es = e.states if not sv: if es: self._rep.warn(' %-30s : %s' % (et, list(es.keys()))) e._consistency['state_model'] = None continue' %-30s :' % e.uid) missing = False # did we miss any state so far? final_v = sorted(sv.keys())[-1] final_s = sv[final_v] if not isinstance(final_s, list): final_s = [final_s] sm_ok = True sm_log = list() miss_log = list() for s in sv.values(): if not s: continue if not isinstance(s, list): s = [s] # check if we have that state found = None for _s in s: if _s in es: found = _s break if found: if missing: if found not in final_s: # found a state after a previous one was missing, # but we are not final. Oops self._rep.warn('+') sm_log.extend(miss_log) miss_log = list() sm_ok = False continue else: if s == final_s: # no final state? Oops self._rep.error('no final state! ') sm_ok = False sm_log.append('missing final state') continue else: # Hmm, might be ok. Lets see... missing = True self._rep.warn('*') miss_log.append('missing state(s) %s' % s) continue self._rep.ok('+') e._consistency['state_model'] = sm_ok e._consistency['log'].extend(sm_log) if not sm_ok: ret.append(e.uid) self._rep.plain('\n') return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def tzero(self, t): ''' Setting a `tzero` timestamp will shift all timestamps for all entities in this session by that amount. This simplifies the alignment of multiple sessions, or the focus on specific events. ''' old_tzero = self._tzero self._tzero = t for entity in list(self._entities.values()): # entity.states are shallow copies of the events for event in event[ru.TIME] += old_tzero event[ru.TIME] -= self._tzero
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