
RADICAL-Analytics (RA) is a Python module. RA must be installed in a virtual environment. Site-wide installation will not work.

RA requires the following packages:

  • Python >= 3.6
  • virtualenv >= 20
  • pip >= 20
  • radical.utils >= 1.4

RA automatically installs the dependencies above. Besides that, RA requires the manual installation of the RADICAL-Cybertool (RCT) of choice.

Virtual Environment

To install RA in a virtual environment, open a terminal and run:

virtualenv -p python3 $HOME/ve
source $HOME/ve/bin/activate
pip install

Run the following to make sure that RA is properly installed:


This command should print the version and release numbers of the package. For example:

$ radical-analytics-version

RA installation is now complete.


Missing virtualenv

If virtualenv is not installed on your system, you can try the following.

pip install git+

Installation Problems

Many installation problems boil down to one of two causes: an Anaconda based Python distribution, or an incompatible version of pip/setuptools.

Many recent systems, specifically in the academic community, install Python in its incarnation as Anaconda Distribution. RA is not yet able to function in that environment. While support of Anaconda is planned in the near future, you will have to revert to a ‘normal’ Python distribution to use RADICAL-Analytics.

Python supports a large variety of module deployment paths: easy_install, setuptools and pip being the most prominent ones for non-compilable modules. RA only supports pip.

Reaching out to the RADICAL devel team

If you encounter any issue, please do not hesitate to contact us by opening an issue at