Source code for

import sys
import pprint

import radical.utils as ru

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[docs]class Entity(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, _uid, _profile, _details): """ Args: uid (`str`): an ID assumed to be unique in the scope of an RA Session profile: a list of profile events for this entity details: a dictionary of complementary information on this entity """ assert _uid assert _profile self._uid = _uid self._details = _details self._etype = self._details.get('etype') self._description = self._details.get('description', dict()) self._cfg = self._details.get('cfg', dict()) self._resources = self._details.get('resources', dict()) # if have no etype tree information, guess the etype from uid if not self._etype: self._etype = self._uid.split('.')[0] # FIXME: this should be sorted out on RP level self._cfg['hostid'] = self._details.get('hostid') # entities for which we have no tree information are raptor tasks (they # were created by the master and never saw the client side) # FIXME: this should be sorted out on RP level if not self._etype: if not self._details and 'task' in self._uid: self._etype = 'raptor.task' else: self._etype = 'unknown' self._states = dict() self._events = list() self._consistency = {'log' : list(), 'state_model' : None, 'event_model' : None, 'timestamps' : None} self._t_start = None self._t_stop = None self._ttc = None self._initialize(_profile)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __getstate__(self): state = { 'uid' : self._uid, 'etype' : self._etype, 'details' : self._details, 'description' : self._description, 'resources' : self._resources, 'cfg' : self._cfg, 'states' : self._states, 'events' : self._events, 'consistency' : self._consistency, 't_start' : self._t_start, 't_stop' : self._t_stop, 'ttc' : self._ttc, } return state # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __setstate__(self, state): self._uid = state['uid'] self._etype = state['etype'] self._details = state['details'] self._description = state['description'] self._resources = state['resources'] self._cfg = state['cfg'] self._states = state['states'] self._events = state['events'] self._consistency = state['consistency'] self._t_start = state['t_start'] self._t_stop = state['t_stop'] self._ttc = state['ttc'] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # @property def t_start(self): return self._t_start @property def t_stop(self): return self._t_stop @property def ttc(self): return self._ttc @property def t_range(self): return [self._t_start, self._t_stop] @property def uid(self): return self._uid @property def etype(self): return self._etype @property def states(self): return self._states @property def description(self): return self._description @property def resources(self): return self._resources @property def cfg(self): return self._cfg @property def events(self): return self._events @property def consistency(self): return self._consistency # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __str__(self): return "ra.Entity [%s]: %s\n states: %s" \ % (self.etype, self.uid, list(self._states.keys())) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def __repr__(self): return str(self) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _initialize(self, profile): # only call once assert not self._states assert not self._events if profile: self._t_start = sys.float_info.max self._t_stop = sys.float_info.min # we expect each event tuple to have `time` and `event`, and expect # 'advance' events to signify a state transition. for event in sorted(profile, key=lambda x: (x[ru.TIME])): t = event[ru.TIME] self._t_start = min(self._t_start, t) self._t_stop = max(self._t_stop, t) # FIXME: this should be phased out if event[ru.EVENT] in 'advance': event[ru.EVENT] = 'state' if event[ru.EVENT] == 'state': state = event[ru.STATE] self._states[state] = event # we also treat state transitions as generic event. # Because, why not? self._events.append(event) if profile: self._ttc = self._t_stop - self._t_start # FIXME: assert state model adherence here (if state model is defined) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _ensure_tuplelist(self, events): if not events: return [] ret = list() if not isinstance(events, list): events = [events] for e in events: if isinstance(e,dict): et = ru.PROF_KEY_MAX * [None] for k,v in list(e.items()): et[k] = v ret.append(tuple(et)) else: ret.append(e) return ret # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def as_dict(self): return { 'uid' : self._uid, 'etype' : self._etype, 'states' : self._states, 'events' : self._events, 'cfg' : self._cfg, 'resources' : self._resources, 'description': self._description, } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def dump(self): pprint.pprint(self.as_dict()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def list_states(self): return list(self._states.keys()) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def duration(self, state=None, event=None, time=None, ranges=None): """ This method accepts a set of initial and final conditions, interprets them as documented in the `ranges()` method (which has the same signature), and then returns the difference between the resulting timestamps. """ if not ranges: ranges = self.ranges(state, event, time) # print 'get %5d ranges for %s' % (len(ranges), self.uid) # pprint.pprint( else: assert not state assert not event assert not time # make sure the ranges are collapsed (although they likely are # already...) # print 'use %5d ranges for %s' % (len(ranges), self.uid) ranges = ru.collapse_ranges(ranges) if not ranges: raise ValueError('no duration defined for given constraints ' '(%s) (%s) (%s) (%s)' % (state, event, time, ranges)) return sum(r[1] - r[0] for r in ranges)
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[docs] def timestamps(self, state=None, event=None, time=None): """ This method accepts a set of conditions, and returns the list of timestamps for which those conditions applied, i.e., for which state transitions or events are known which match the given 'state' or 'event' parameter. If no match is found, an empty list is returned. Both `state` and `event` can be lists, in which case the union of all timestamps are returned. The `time` parameter is expected to be a single tuple, or a list of tuples, each defining a pair of start and end time which are used to constrain the matching timestamps. The returned list will be sorted. """ event = self._ensure_tuplelist(event) state = ru.as_list(state) ret = list() if not event and not state: # no filters, consider all events ret = self._events for e in event: for x in self._events: if self._match_event(e,x): ret.append(x[ru.TIME]) for s in state: if s in self._states: ret.append(self._states[s][ru.TIME]) # apply time filters if time: matched = list() for etime in ret: for ttuple in time: if etime >= ttuple[0] and etime <= etime[1]: matched.append(etime) break ret = matched return sorted(ret)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def _match_event(self, needle, hay): for key in range(ru.PROF_KEY_MAX - 1): if needle[key] is not None: if key == ru.MSG: if needle[key] not in hay[key]: return False else: if needle[key] != hay[key]: return False return True # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def ranges(self, state=None, event=None, time=None, expand=False, collapse=True): """ This method accepts a set of initial and final conditions, in the form of range of state and or event specifiers:: entity.ranges(state=[['INITIAL_STATE_1', 'INITIAL_STATE_2'], 'FINAL_STATE_1', 'FINAL_STATE_2' ]], event=[[ initial_event_1, initial_event_2 ] [ final_event_1, final_event_2 ]], time =[[2.0, 2.5], [3.0, 3.5]]) More specifically, the `state` and `event` parameter are expected to be a tuple, where the first element defines the initial condition, and the second element defines the final condition. The `time` parameter is expected to be a single tuple, or a list of tuples, each defining a pair of start and end time which are used to constrain the resulting ranges. States are expected as strings, events as full event tuples:: [ru.TIME, ru.NAME, ru.UID, ru.STATE, ru.EVENT, ru.MSG, ru.ENTITY] where empty fields are not applied in the filtering - all other fields must match exactly. The events can also be specified as dictionaries, which then don't need to have all fields set. The method will: - determine the *earliest* timestamp when any of the given initial conditions have been met, which can be either an event or a state; - determine the *next* timestamp when any of the given final conditions have been met (when `expand` is set to `False` [default]) OR - determine the *last* timestamp when any of the given final conditions have been met (when `expand` is set to `True`) From that final point in time the search for the next initial condition applies again, which may result in another time range to be found. The method returns the set of found ranges, as a list of `[start, end]` time tuples. The resulting ranges are constrained by the `time` constraints, if such are given. Note that with `expand=True`, at most one range will be found. Setting 'collapse' to 'True' (default) will prompt the method to collapse the resulting set of ranges. The returned ranges are time-sorted Example:: task.ranges(state=[rp.NEW, rp.FINAL])) task.ranges(event=[{ru.NAME : 'exec_start'}, {ru.NAME : 'exec_ok'}]) """ # NOTE: this method relies on all state changes (as events in # `self.states`) to also be recorded as events (as events in in # `` with `ru.NAME == 'state'`). if not state and not event: raise ValueError('duration needs state and/or event arguments') event = self._ensure_tuplelist(event) if not state: state = [[], []] if not event: event = [[], []] s_init = state[0] s_final = state[1] e_init = event[0] e_final = event[1] if not isinstance(s_init, list): s_init = [s_init ] if not isinstance(s_final, list): s_final = [s_final] if not isinstance(e_init, list): e_init = [e_init ] if not isinstance(e_final, list): e_final = [e_final] conds_init = list() conds_final = list() for s in s_init: et = ru.PROF_KEY_MAX * [None] et[ru.STATE] = s et[ru.EVENT] = 'state' conds_init.append(tuple(et)) for s in s_final: et = ru.PROF_KEY_MAX * [None] et[ru.STATE] = s et[ru.EVENT] = 'state' conds_final.append(tuple(et)) for e in e_init: if isinstance(e,dict): et = ru.PROF_KEY_MAX * [None] for k,v in list(e.items()): et[k] = v conds_init.append(tuple(et)) else: conds_init.append(e) # t_start = sys.float_info.max # for e in e_init: # for e_info in self._events: # if self._match_event(e, e_info): # t_start = min(t_start, e_info[ru.TIME]) # # t_stop = sys.float_info.min # for e in e_final: # for e_info in self._events: # if self._match_event(e, e_info): # t_stop = max(t_stop, e_info[ru.TIME]) # # if t_start == sys.float_info.max: # # return [] # raise ValueError('initial condition did not apply') # # if t_stop == sys.float_info.min: # # return [] # raise ValueError('final condition did not apply') # # if t_stop < t_start: # # return [] # raise ValueError('duration uncovered time inconsistency') for e in e_final: if isinstance(e,dict): et = ru.PROF_KEY_MAX * [None] for k,v in list(e.items()): et[k] = v conds_final.append(tuple(et)) else: conds_final.append(e) ranges = list() this_range = [None, None] # NOTE: this assumes that `` are time sorted for e in self._events: if this_range[0] is None: # check for an initial event. for c in conds_init: if self._match_event(c, e): this_range[0] = e[ru.TIME] break else: # check for a final event. If found and '!expand`, then store # the now completed event away, and start a new one; if # `expand`, then keep searching for a later final event for c in conds_final: if self._match_event(c, e): this_range[1] = e[ru.TIME] if not expand: ranges.append(this_range) this_range = [None, None] break # we went through all events. `this_range` may or may not be a usable # range here. If it is, append it to ranges. if this_range[0] is not None and \ this_range[1] is not None : ranges.append(this_range) # apply time filter, if specified # For all ranges, check if they fall completely or partially within any # of the given time filters. If not, drop that range, if yes, include # the overlapping part. if not time or not len(time): ret = ranges else: ret = list() if not isinstance(time[0], list): time = [time] # for each range in ret, we make sure that it does not violate any # time filter for erange in ranges: for trange in time: new_start = max(trange[0], erange[0]) new_stop = min(trange[1], erange[1]) if new_stop > new_start: ret.append([new_start, new_stop]) if collapse: ret = ru.collapse_ranges(ret) return sorted(ret)
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